Henry County Sheriff’s Sales
Georgia Code
O.C.G.A §9-13-170 (2022), Any person who becomes the purchaser of any real or personal property at any sale made at public outcry by any executor, administrator, or guardian or by any sheriff or other officer under and by virtue of any execution or other legal process, who fails or refuses to comply with the terms of the sale when requested to do so, shall be liable for the amount of the purchase money. It shall be at the option of the sheriff or other officer either to proceed against the purchaser for the full amount of the purchase money or to resell the real or personal property and then proceed against the first purchaser for any deficiency arising from the sale.
The action provided in this Code section may be brought in the name of the sheriff or other officer making the sale for the use of the plaintiff or defendant in execution or any other person in interest, as the case may be.
Writ of Fieri Facias (Fi-Fa)
A Writ of Fieri Facias, commonly known as a Writ of Fi Fa, is a legal document authorized by the Clerk of Superior Court to establish a lien on the property of a judgment debtor. Additionally, it empowers the county sheriff to seize the assets of the debtor. This writ is officially recorded in the general execution docket, overseen by the Clerk of Superior Court for Henry County. Click here for additional information pertaining to the Writ of Fieri Facias and Property Levy process.
Sheriff’s Sales
Sheriff’s Sales will be held on the the first Tuesday of each month, between the hours of 10am and 4pm, except when the first Tuesday of the month falls on a legal holiday in which case the sale is held the next business day.
Sheriff’s Sales will be held on the steps of the the Henry County Courthouse at 1 Courthouse Square, McDonough, GA. 30253 on April 1, 2025.
Click here to see the Sheriff’s Sale List.
A courtesy listing of properties for sale is available in the Wednesday edition of the Henry County Herald newspaper for a four-week period prior to the Tuesday Sale date. Each advertisement shows the owner’s name, a description of the property to be sold, and the minimum amount of the bid.
Sheriff’s Sales Registration
You must register online for the Henry County Sheriff’s Sale. Registration opens each month on the day that the sale list is published. Each person who will be bidding on properties only needs to register once per Sheriff’s sale.
Registration closes at 2:00pm on the Monday prior to the Sheriff’s sale (If Monday prior to the sale is a holiday, registration will close the Friday prior to the sale at 2:00pm). Registration is not permitted the morning of the sale.
After registering online, you will need to confirm your registration prior to 9:45am the morning of the Sheriff’s sale in order to be able to bid on property.
The bid payment must be paid in full in the form of a Cashier’s check payable to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office. NO MONEY ORDERS.
The purchaser is required to complete a Purchaser Data Sheet attesting to the fact that certain property was purchased for the bid price.
You must register using the name and license or government issued ID number of the person who will be attending the Sheriff’s sale. Your ID must match everything that you need entered on the bidder registration form.
Day of the Sale
Sale will be conducted as follows:
- Deputy will distribute rules/regulations governing sale.
- Deputy conducting the sale will identify each parcel to be sold by the Sheriff’s Sale number and the tax parcel ID number.
- Deputy will read legal descrition.
- Deputy will call out minimum bid amount, which consists of the original judgement, late payment penalty, interest, FiFa cost, execution fee and other legal costs and fees as enurmerated and allowed under O.C.G.A §15-16-25 and 19-13-43.
- Deputy will accept bids in total dollar amount only.
- Deputy will write down each parcel sold to the best and highest bidder for cash.
- Following the conclusion of the sale, purchasers will go to the HCSO payment services window located at 120 Henry Parkway, McDonough, Georgia 30253 (Civil Clerk Accounting Unit), to get the total amount to be paid for the parcel(s) purchased.
Condition of Sale:
- Cashier’s check or certified funds must be paid by 3pm for the total amount due, made payable to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.
- No personal or business checks will be accepted.
- Purchaser will be receipted for purchase amount.
- Purchaser will be notified when Sheriff’s deed(s) are ready for pickup within thirty (30) working days from the date of sale or at the earliest possible date.
- Deputy will accept bids in total dollar amount only.
- Deputy will write down each parcel sold to the best and highest bidder for cash.
- Following the conclusion of the sale, purchasers will go to the HCSO payment services window located at 120 Henry Parkway, McDonigh, Georgia 30253 (Civil Clerk Accounting Unit), to get the total amount to be paid for the parcel(s) purchased.
In the event that any bidder refuses to comply with his/her bid or fails to tender the required payment by 3pm on the day of the sale, will forfeit the opportunity to bid in any succeeding auctions for two years and subject you to the provisions and remedies offered through O.C.G.A §9-13-170.
Please remember that this is a legal proceeding and all bids entered are binding and the best and highest bid will be collected in full.
Sheriff’s Sale-Excess Funds Affidavit
Click here to download the Sheriff’s Sales-Excess Funds Affidavit.
Hours of Operations
Civil Services Office is open to the public from 8am-4pm, excluding holidays.
For Additional Assistance
If you have further questions, contact the Civil Services Office at hcsosales@co.henry.ga.us or (770) 288-7124.